We will provide professional, modern and quality accounting services!
Нашите експерти ще Ви осигорят гарантирано високо качество на предлаганите от нас услуги
The service is intended for customers with a subscription service contract and includes a complete package of accounting services – ongoing processing of documents, monthly submission of information to the National Revenue Agency and National Social Security Institute in connection with the VAT Act, declarations related to insurance, Corporate Income Tax Act statements and statements related to the Law on Personal Income Taxes, sick leaves documents, monthly analyzes of calculations, preparation of the Annual Financial Reports, annual declarations in accordance with the Income Tax Acts for corporations and persons, statistical reports for the National Statistical Institute.
Creation of personnel files, employment contracts, notifications to the National Revenue Agency, transfer of sick leaves documents to the National Social Security Institute, termination of employment contracts, preparation of civil contracts, creation of a monthly payroll, payment documents, and declarations related to providing information to the respective administration for the insured persons.
This service is intended for legal entities and natural persons with no subscription service contract. The service includes preparation of annual financial report, annual tax return, statistical forms, etc.
If necessary / e.g. report to the shareholders, management needs, application to credit institutions, requirements of international organizations / we can prepare financial analysis on the basis of financial reports for 2, 3 years and more back, as well as business development forecasts.
We are providing legal services in the area of corporate, commercial, contractual, tax, financial and administrative law, including consultations, drafting legal opinions, contracts, various documents, mergers and acquisitions, cooperation with the Registry Agency, tax and municipal administration.
Kontimax Ltd. is a company established in 1995 and has an experience in delivering of all accounting services, tax and legal advices. The company has a well-trained team of highly qualified experts in the field of accounting and law, creating long-lasting partnerships with companies in various branches, e.g. construction, architecture, advertising, transport, trade – internal and external, medicine, non-governmental organizations, etc. Our team is partnering also with several law firms.
For more than 10 years, the company has been using the most up-to-date IT technologies for processing, storage and security of information in collaboration with a leading IT company. This cooperation also gives us the opportunity to meet easily the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in force since 25.05.2018.
Kontimax’s mission is through professional service and individual attitude:
• to offer high quality services
• to create prerequisites for success in business
• to provide customers with calmness while respecting the deadlines and requirements arising from regulatory and sub-normative acts in the country, as well as from European regulations
• to respect confidentiality
• to provide loyalty and security in the business
For a quarter of a century, Kontimax serves correctly and qualitatively in a spirit of tolerance, dialogue and respect for the mutual interests of both Bulgarian and foreign physical persons and companies.
With a clear goal of offering a richer and more quality set of services, as well as a constant review of the constantly changing legislation and business environment.
Address: Sofia, 69, Dimitar Petkov blvd., Floor 2, office 8
GSM: 0888 682 365; 0878 100 815
Е-mail: office@kontimax.com
© 2018 Kontimax Ltd